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Wilco van Esch

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    Regression testing SOAP web services using SoapUI

    Before you can get started you will need:

    1. The WSDL document describing the web service, e.g.
    2. Any required credentials to access the web services
    3. Any additional parameter test values you may need to send along with your requests (e.g. If you're going to access a method for finding a user by their member id, you'll of course need member id test values).


    1. In SoapUI, start a new project
    2. In the SoapUI project, load in the WSDL to retrieve the API endpoints and automatically generate requests
    3. For each SOAP request, in the Request Properties select a path for Dump File so as to store the response
    4. Execute the SOAP requests
    5. Verify the responses are as expected

    The resultant response logs are your baseline.

    After an update takes place which shouldn't affect the web service:

    1. Ensure you've moved the previous results to a separate location, so that you won't override them
    2. Re-run the same suite of SOAP requests
    3. Verify the responses returned match your baseline responses

    Also useful:

    Creating a dynamic Dump File path

    1. Select your TestSuite
    2. Go to Custom Properties
    3. Add a new Property
    4. Add Property Name: OutputPath
    5. Add Property Value: path to your project workspace, e.g. C:/SoapUI/ClientAPI/
    6. For each Test Step where you want to save the response to file: a. Select the Test Step b. Go to TestRequest Properties c. For the Dump File property, enter ${#TestSuite#OutputPath}${}.xml (reads the OutputPath property in the Test Suite scope, appends the name of the current request, and appends an extension)

    Now when you execute a Test Cases, files will be generated in the selected location.